Thursday, March 5, 2020

#RevisionCalm First Tutors Competition

#RevisionCalm â€" First Tutors Competition The half-term is is now over and the race towards exam-time has begun. Spring will soon arrive and with it brings the air of preparing for those upcoming, important exams. Some may say that February is too early to start stressing about exams, while others will already have their revision timetables ready and their private tutor booked in to get them prepared sooner rather than later. The pressure that comes with exam time comes in many different forms for both the student and the parent; anxiety, tiredness, fear, stress, worry... and a whole lot more emotions that can sometimes be difficult to suppress. And we all know that while a little bit of stress can help motivate us to work that little bit harder, a lot of stress can cause more harmful side-effects including migraines, loss of appetite and insomnia. Here at First Tutors we know that exam time can be stressful; important exams mean important results. Revision is important but it doesn't have to be a rough ride, filled with stress, arguments and worry. It's all about starting early, being prepared and staying as calm as possible! As it's such a difficult time to relax we thought we'd help you out a little. From today we are running our #RevisionCalm competition. The prize is 50 worth of GoApe vouchers. On Facebook simply 'like' or reply to our posts using #RevisionCalm. On Twitter and G+ follow us, and retweet using #RevisionCalm (Terms Conditions are below). In the meantime to help you find that elusive Revision Calm here's some of our best tips. Revision Tips for the pressurised student 1. Revise at a desk not in your bed. It makes you feel more alert and puts you in a work state of mind. Plus it then makes your bed the relaxing place to get away from it all. 2. Plan Ahead! Make a schedule and try to stick to it. Plan each topic and time carefully instead of trying to study random topics. Structured studying is always more effective. 3. Take regular breaks. The brain can only take so much studying. If you feel your mind wandering it's probably time for a snack. 4. Turn off the sound on your devices while you revise. Sounds obvious but there's nothing so distracting and stressful as constant text, messaging and what's app alerts. Revision Calm Tips for the stressed parent 1. Don't stress your teen out by constantly checking on him/her. It will irritate them, irritate you and distract both of your from the job in hand. 2. Be there when they need you. Make sure you support your teen and make them feel that you understand what they are going through. If they feel they can ask you for your help or you are there to test them, they will feel less pressure, you will feel less stressed and the home will be a happier environment. 3. Don't create an all or nothing mindset - exams are important but making kids think it's this or nothing equals panic not motivation. 4. Work out what's really stressing you out. What's at the root of your exam panic - personal past experience, other parents throwing you into panic, a feeling that your child is struggling? Deal with this to alleviate your stress. Terms and Conditions 1. How to Enter 1.1. To enter the competition 'Like' our #RevisionCalm posts on Facebook or post a reply using #RevisionCalm. On Twitter or Google+ 'Follow' First Tutors and then retweet using #RevisionCalm. 1.2. The winner will be announced the week of the 28th March 2016. 2. When to Enter and Who can Enter 2.1. The Competition opens on Monday 22nd 2016 and closes Sunday 20th March 2016. Winners will be notified within a week of the closing date. 2.2. Entrants can enter at any point between these dates 2.3. The Competition is only open to UK residents over 21 years excluding employees and agents of First Tutors and anyone professionally connected with the administration of the competition. 3. Prizes 3.1. The prize for winning the competition will be one 50 voucher for GoApe - Outdoor adventure activities in the most beautiful forests in the UK. 3.2 The Prize is as stated and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash, goods or services. 4. Data Protection and Publicity 4.1. By entering you consent to your entry, surname and basic information about you being disclosed on First Tutors digital channels. 4.2. Any personal data relating to participants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. By entering the Competition, you agree that First Tutors may contact you in relation to the Competition 4.3. The competition winner will be contacted by First Tutors. You must provide accurate contact details on notification. 4.4. First Tutors reserves the right to use name of the winners for publicity and in advertising, marketing or promotional material without additional compensation or prior notice to the winners. By entering the competition, all participants consent to such use of their name. 5. Competition Rules 5.1. The Competition will be run and Prizes will be awarded at First Tutors sole discretion. 5.2 First Tutors reserves the right to suspend or to refuse entry into the competition 5.4. We reserve the right to change the competition rules and these Terms and Conditions from time to time. If we do so, we will always have the most up to date terms and conditions on the website and in the case of a discrepancy between these terms and conditions and those on the website, the website terms and conditions will apply. Your continued use of the website will constitute your acceptance of the new rules and/or Terms and Conditions 6. Liability and Indemnities 6.1. Except in the case of death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or in respect of fraud, and so far as is permitted by law, First Tutors and its associated companies and agents and distributors exclude responsibility and all liabilities, whether direct or indirect, arising from: 6.1.1. Any postponement or cancellation of the Competition; 6.1.2. Any changes to, supply of or use of the Prize; and 6.1.3. Any act or default of any supplier, which are beyond First Tutors reasonable control. 6.2. First Tutor does not accept responsibility for any liability arising from technical incompatibility, problems relating to the internet, or technical difficulties of any kind 6.3. First Tutor shall not be liable, whether in tort, contract, misrepresentation or otherwise for loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goods, loss of use, loss or corruption of data or information, or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses 6.4. You agree to indemnify First Tutors against all liabilities, claims and expenses that may arise from any breach of your agreement with First Tutors. 6.5. By entering this contest, you agree to a complete release of Facebook from all liability in connection with this competition. 7. Jurisdiction 7.1. The Competition and these Terms and Conditions are governed by English Law. England Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions.

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